March 19: QuickStart training Tygron Platform

Open Calculator

Create your own calculations models with the Tygron Platform, using excel, queries, API, combo overlays, triggers and many more.


Create your own Raster Formula

You can also create your own custom forumla or use them to pre/post process from other simulations.


Data Queries

You can export all data from the Tygron Engine (often many GB’s). But sometimes it makes more sence to ask intelligent queries, e.g. “average water level per neigboorhood on evacuation roads”.

Therefor the Tygron Engine supports multiple ways:



The TQL Queries mentioned before can also be used in combination with Excelsheets. This way you can combine the power of Excel with Spatial Data.

The results of the calculation can then be visualized in:


API Triggers

You can also add API triggers that connect to your own calculation models via Web calls during the Simulation.


Many More

Several other supported simulations included are:

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