February 4 and 18: Webinars on new developments

Tygron joins the Esri Partner Network as Silver Partner

For the original version of the press release (in Dutch), see: https://www.esri.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2020/tygron-partner The Dutch Esri Partner Network is expanding with Tygron as Silver Partner. The collaboration between Tygron and Esri […]


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOlD1m8JufM[/embedyt] Modelleer de stroom van stoffen door uw watersysteem. In deze video wordt de stroom van phospor bijgehouden. Documentatie: https://support.tygron.com/wiki/Substance_flow_model_(Water_Overlay)

Exploring the spatial impact of energy transition

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vq0mePymac[/embedyt] Explore different scenario’s towards your energy transition goals. Assess the spatial impact, including aspects such as safety, lines of sight, noise and shade. This video was made by […]

The Water Module

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S36yjjN_y0Q[/embedyt] The Water Module in the Tygron Platform enables users to simulate the movement of (liquid) water and its impact in a project area. The Water Module is primarily […]

Utrecht en Tygron samen sterk voor energietransitie

Provincie Utrecht introduceert vanaf 1 juni 2020 het zogeheten energiedashboard. Hiermee wil de provincie de energietransitie eenvoudiger en transparanter maken voor alle belanghebbenden in de regio. Tygron heeft daarom in […]

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