March 19: QuickStart training Tygron Platform (no more openings)

ISO 27001 Certification for the Tygron Platform

We are proud to announce that the Tygron Platform is now officially ISO 27001 certified. This certification highlights our commitment to the highest standards in information security and data management.

The Tygron Platform empowers organizations to address challenges in climate adaptation, water management, and urban development, offering cutting-edge capabilities:

  • Integrate Your Data: Seamlessly integrate data using a wide range of open standards.
  • Enhance Your Data: Enrich and process data with AI-powered tools and advanced GIS technology.
  • Accelerated Simulations: Perform rapid simulations with unmatched computational power.


With this certification, we ensure that our users not only benefit from a powerful and innovative platform but also have the peace of mind that their data is securely managed. For us, this milestone serves as a motivation to continue innovating and supporting our users to the fullest.

A special thanks to our team and partners for their contribution to achieving this milestone! Together, we continue to build a sustainable and innovative future.

Download certificate

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