Interface update

A major overhaul has been made to the interface, which results in better navigation, scalability and speed.
- Scalable interface The new interface is scalable on different screen resolution and will be readable on 3k and 4k monitors. Text, icons and relevant fields will scale to the size that it needs without compromising the quality of interaction.
- Viewport navigation on selection improvements Viewport navigation and mouse control has been redesigned to better reflect other GIS programs so users of those programs will be more familiar with navigating through the Tygron Platform. Selecting and drawing has also improved with the ability to draw on the terrain while orbiting around the area. In this way you will always have a better overview of where you want to draw on the grid. In addition a new “free cam” mode has been implemented allowing the user to orbit the project if so desired.
- Panels in front of viewport Editor panels are now independent from the main viewport. This means that the viewport is full screen at all times and the panels only appear on context base when needed. This saves a lot of viewport real-estate which makes for a clearer view of your project.
- New LOD system A new asset LOD system has been implemented freeing up memory when viewing a project from far away. Details of Assets will drastically be reduced when viewing from a distance. Conversely more detail will be possible when viewed from ground level or close by.
- Performance improvements General improvements in memory and speed have also been made so that larger maps will use less memory than needed.