February 4 and 18: Webinars on new developments

Save parametric designs as measures

Currently it is possible to create a parametric design where the selected design area and the parameter settings are saved. However, you have to generate the design each time when […]


We have an extensive method for the integration of InfoWorks calculations in Tygron. However, in order to work on a fully integrated calculation (rural and urban) it is necessary that […]

Ground flow overlay

A ground flow overlay, showing the amount of water (m3) per time step. Similar to the existing ‘Surface Flow Overlay’, but for underground. Documentation: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Ground_last_flow_result_type_(Water_Overlay)

Boundary condition for groundwater

The possibility to apply an inlet/outlet on a larger area (boundary of a project) also for groundwater. Documentation: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Groundwater_Overlay [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGn6YGcVXlA[/embedyt]

Delete all (or filtered) areas

When very many areas are loaded (100.000+) it is no langer possible to remove them, but in batches. It would be convenient to group the areas with a filter group, […]

Advanced solar panel visuals

New 3D panels for solar energy, including 3D models on flat roofs, parking lots and noise barriers with solar panels and solar panels floating on water. Also the SOLAR_PANEL attribute […]

Improved evaporation model

Among others, preventing double calculations of surface water and crop evaporation. Documentation: https://support.tygron.com/wiki/Evaporation_model_(Water_Overlay)

Supporting AMD video cards

Develop support for the generic AMD video cards. Documentation: https://support.tygron.com/wiki/Requirements

Grid averaging

Much faster year round calculations for groudwater. Water corridors are averaged over all relevant grid cells, making a water corridor effictively one megacell with a subgrid. Documentation: https://support.tygron.com/wiki/Surface_water_(Water_Overlay) https://youtu.be/vGn6YGcVXlA

Connect to HyDAMO

Please realise a connection to HyDAMO (http://www.nhi.nu/nl/index.php/uitvoering/module-oppervlaktewater/). If the data from HyDAMO can be imported in the Platform, the (water) model in the Platform will be even more complete and […]

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