February 4 and 18: Webinars on new developments

Rectangular shaped culverts

Please add the option to import or create rectangular or square culverts, since the shape of a culvert influences the throughput of water. This way, culverts can be more accurately […]

Google forms on web panels

Currently, Google forms and other survey services like survey 123 are not working on web panels. Since they are, specially Google forms, a popular way to implement web-based surveys without […]

Weirs close to or in a culvert

Please improve the ability to handle weirs that are located close to a culvert. Because water is not always present in the BGT between the weir and the culvert the […]

Optionally use the I3s height coordinates

Please make it optional to import and place slpk buildings on the right height on the surface. Now, buildings are always placed on the surface, even if the placement of […]

Show last timeframe for overlays in 2D viewer

By default the 2D viewer shows the first timeframe of grid overlays. Usually the customer is interested in the end result, therefore the last timeframe. When the ;ast timeframe can […]

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