How do we use AI to better retain precipitation where it falls?
Challenge The Netherlands is facing a growing water management problem: the groundwater level drops too far in dry summers, leading to the drying out of agricultural land, nature reserves and […]
Unlocking the Power of High-Performance Computing for Complex Engineering Projects
Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) Engineers are dealing with large amounts of data to face the challenges of increasingly complex use-cases in built environments. There is a lot of information […]
From GIS to Advanced Modeling: Get More out of your GIS Data with the Tygron Platform
The Tygron Support team often receives the question: we already have GIS software, why should we use the Tygron Platform? In this article, we describe the differences, overlaps, and complementarities […]
The Technological Backbone of the Tygron Platform: GPU Power, Interoperability, and GIS-Based Modeling
At Tygron, we understand that as an engineer, you aim to stay at the forefront of technological innovation, seeking robust solutions tailored to meet the demanding needs of modern engineering […]
Data driven approach to climate challenges and biodiversity using smart combinations of Tygron and FME
GAES is a consultancy for greening and climate challenges, biodiversity objectives and social issues. Central to their data-driven concept is the role of ecosystem services. Ecosystem services include all goods […]
Interactively developing urban plans by using connected geo-applications in a Digital Twin
Several partners involved with ‘De Kien’ in Deventer are working on digital twin applications. ‘De Kien’ is the name of an innovative campus and development hub, but also a network of partners […]
Modelling the flying routes of bats in a Digital Twin
The City of Rotterdam faces a huge challenge. Many new homes need to be built. The city must remain accessible, with opportunities for business. But there is also a strong […]
Verduurzaming en vergroening in Lelystad.
Hoe bouw je een milieuvriendelijke wijk waar bewoners met trots en blijdschap nu en in de toekomst kunnen wonen? En hoe zet je de mens centraal in de transitie? Wij, […]
Het Watertoets-instrument van Aveco de Bondt voor een klimaatrobuuste inrichting en beslissingen met draagvlak.
Het Watertoets-instrument van Tygron Partner Aveco de Bondt bestaat uit een stapsgewijze aanpak om de verschillende belangen en locatiespecifieke aandachtspunten op het gebied van water en klimaat in kaart te brengen, mogelijke maatregelen […]
Handelingsperspectief bij falende keringen: voorbeelden uit de praktijk
Laat in de avond van zondag 25 juli verschuift een deel van een polderkering die rond de diepgelegen Tempelpolder ligt. Hierdoor ontstaat een groot gat en loopt er water de […]