19 maart: QuickStart training Tygron Platform

Planning of nature-based solutions: The experience of the Edible City Game

Researchers of ICRA (Catalan Institute for Water Research) and University of Girona have been working on a serious game for participatory planning of edible city solutions based on the Tygron Platform. Edible city solutions are urban nature-based solutions with a food component, such as edible rooftop gardens. These can for example contribute to making a city more resilient to climate change and/or creating green jobs. 

The ICRA research team proved that adapting a serious game to specific project needs, while pursuing professional aesthetics, is achievable, “especially thanks to the capabilities of the Tygron platform” stated its main author, Josep Pueyo-Ros. Their paper provides the tools to bring this about: following a step-by-step sequence presented in the paper, asking the right questions for the subsequent iterations of design and, finally, using the Tygron software (or similar) to save coding work. You can find the full paper here: 

Design of a serious game for participatory planning of nature-based solutions: The experience of the Edible City Game – ScienceDirect.

 The researchers state that they believe that their framework, as well as their experience using the Tygron platform, can be of great utility to both researchers and practitioners that have considered using serious games in their projects but discarded the idea because of the foreseen resource intensity of the endeavour.

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