4 Februari: Webinar de Tygron Watermodule; het tijdperk van Artificiële Intelligentie en de open rekenmachine

Hydrodynamic Model of Khakovka dam breach

In the hours and days after the catastrophic Kakhovka dam break in Ukraine, Tygron worked intensively with Arcadis to build a model in order to gain better insights into the disaster. […]

GPU computing for Shallow Water Equation

Exciting news for the world of 2D flood modelling! Dutch researchers have confirmed that using GPU computing offers significant advantages for modelling the Shallow Water Equation (SWE), particularly at higher […]

Flash floods in River Catchments

Two weeks ago heavy rainfall resulted in floodings in south/east of the Netherlands. Although the main river Maas did have some issues, most unexpected floodings where caused along secondary rivers […]

Hyper-resolution Flooding of the Bommelerwaard

Last year Tygron breached the 1 billion grid cells threshold. Today we are using this Massively parallel GPU technology (100.000 execution tasks in parallel) for more use-cases and refining it […]

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