De HAS Green Academy en Tygron sluiten partnerschap om praktijkgericht onderwijs te bieden over Digital Twins
The HAS Green Academy and Tygron have entered into a partnership to provide education about digital twins, specifically aimed at the living environment. These digital replicas are becoming increasingly important […]
Datagedreven aanpak van klimaatuitdagingen en biodiversiteit met behulp van slimme combinaties van Tygron en FME
GAES is a consultancy for greening and climate challenges, biodiversity objectives and social issues. Central to their data-driven concept is the role of ecosystem services. Ecosystem services include all goods […]
Keringen normeren met behulp van een supercomputer
The Vechtstromen water organisation was faced with the task of standardizing its flood defenses. In total, the water organisation has 400 km of barriers. The main questions to be answered […]
3-30-300 for healthier urban living with Urban Sync
The 3-30-300 rule is a rule of thumb for urban forestry and urban greening that was developed by Professor Cecil Konijnendijk, director of the Nature Based Solutions Institute. This rule states […]
Hydrodynamic Model of Khakovka dam breach
In the hours and days after the catastrophic Kakhovka dam break in Ukraine, Tygron worked intensively with Arcadis to build a model in order to gain better insights into the disaster. […]
Interactively developing urban plans by using connected geo-applications in a Digital Twin
Several partners involved with ‘De Kien’ in Deventer are working on digital twin applications. ‘De Kien’ is the name of an innovative campus and development hub, but also a network of partners […]
Rotterdam in actie: Samenwerking en Participatie als antwoord op hittestress
The engineering office of the Municipality of Rotterdam is working on ways to visually design complex projects. This can be done by means of a 3D model that is based […]
Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam aan de slag met Hittestress simulaties.
Climate experts Marijke Clarisse, Ruben Gauw, Hester Wilderburg, Frans Wijkhuizen and Govert ter Mos from the municipal engineering firm Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam (IB Amsterdam) have successfully completed a course on ‘Modelling […]
Vleermuisroutes modelleren in een Digital Twin
The City of Rotterdam faces a huge challenge. Many new homes need to be built. The city must remain accessible, with opportunities for business. But there is also a strong […]
Tygron’s API in de praktijk
The Tygron API has been available to all Tygron users since the beginning of 2020. This opens up an endless amount of new possibilities for using the Tygron Platform. The […]