4 en 18 februari: Webinars over nieuwe ontwikkelingen

Improved Water Wizard

The Water Wizard is improved to provide more feedback about configured settings and imported data. The updated wizard now provides warnings (in orange) and errors (in red). To solve these […]

Insight in gridvalue of Watershed Overlay

The gridvalue of the Watershed overlay is not visible when clicking on the overlay. As information is the link to the discharge areas provided. The gridvalue however is needed for […]

Improved positioning of water objects

Improved positioning of water objects (e.g. culverts) when objects are imported in a project. This reduces the occurrence of the error “cannot be placed in grid” when importing water objects.

Confirmation window on attributes action

In a game session, when players perform a construct or upgrade action, they see the impact on indicators before the confirm the action. It would be nice if it also […]

Import CityGML/CityJSON files

Add the possibility to directly import 3D models conform the CityGML data standard (https://www.ogc.org/standards/citygml), such as CityGML files and CityJSON files.This will make it easier to import detailed 3D models and […]

Side view of a river water level

Making a side view of the water level of a river. In that way you can easily see the effect of objects (such as weirs) on the water level in […]

Improved Underground functionalities

Improve Underground functionalities like basements, subways, power lines and parking garages. More functionalities are possible in the future. If you have suggestions for new features please post a comment below […]

Organizing overlays

With the introduction of the combo overlay (and others) the amount of options and ways to create your own models increases. With this increase we also experience a significant increase […]

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