4 en 18 februari: Webinars over nieuwe ontwikkelingen


The option to choose for bridges whether building or ground height is taken into account. ground height is the standard, which can be adjusted via advanced settings. This is to […]

Dismiss Street furniture

The option to dismiss street furniture when loading a new project using ‘advanced options’. This is al lot of data that is often not needed in a project, and might […]

X-query for areas

The option to work with x-queries for areas, including time steps. This will save a lot of manual work when performing e.g. year round calculations for groundwater. Documentation: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/X_query_(Excel)

Add custom image for an overlay

For indicators and actions it is possible to upload a custom image. Can this functionality also be added to overlays? This way, overlays in the overlay bar can be more […]

Add custom model for panels

Can it be made possible to add your own custom 3D model for panels? Currently you can choose from a set of models, but for my panel which shows a […]

Change order of overlays

Currently the order of the overlays in the overlay bar can’t be adjusted. When there are a lot of overlays in a project, it would be convenient to be able […]

Import geotiff as measure

The possibility to import a Geotiff as a measure in order to evaluate and compare future designs for a specific location with various different DTMs.

New Water result types

New result types: groundwater direction, groundwater flow and rainfall Documentation: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Result_type_(Water_Overlay)

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