Ability to place rain barrels for waterstorage
The ability to place rain barrels for waterstorage makes it possible for inhabitants to create water storage on a small scale but can make a big difference for this stakeholder […]
Timeframes can have custom timestamps
The ability to set your own custom time frames in the Water Overlay. This makes it possible to set a time frame (T=0) at the beginning of your scenario as […]
Ability to set pump upper threshold relative to water level
The ability to have the UPPER_THRESHOLD of pumps set automatically, relative to the WATER_LEVEL of the enclosing water level area. I.e. the UPPER_THRESHOLD is WATER_LEVEL + X, relative to datum, […]
Ability to set weir height relative to water level
The ability to have the WEIR_HEIGHT set automatically, relative to the WATER_LEVEL of the enclosing water level area. I.e. the WEIR_HEIGHT is WATER_LEVEL + X, relative to datum, where X […]
Fill option in Watershed module based on elevation map as fallback.
Currently the fill option makes use of the entered distance in order to determine the size of the watershed areas. The Feature request is to fill the watershed areas with […]
Ability to set inlet upper and lower threshold relative to water level
The ability to have the UPPER_THRESHOLD and LOWER_THRESHOLD of inlets set automatically, relative to the WATER_LEVEL of the enclosing water level area. I.e. the UPPER_THRESHOLD is WATER_LEVEL + X, relative […]
Checking watersystem data prior to calculation
Being able to check water system data before the simulation has been calculated. Certain errors in the data are only shown after the simulation has been calculated. This is a […]
Return to the main menu menu when closing a project.
The ability to return to the main menu without closing the entire application when closing a project. This will prevent the user the effort of restarting and re-logging in when […]
Import ownership areas
Implement the option to easily import your own ownership data in the Platform to override the default ownership map.
Import legend definition style (sld) from a file
Please add functionality to import a legend definition style from a file. This is very useful for creating an overlay (map) with the same colors as used in for example […]