When performing actions, constructions are automatically demolished
Please add the possibility to place a construction (action) in a location which already has a different construction (partially) in the way, by the appropriate demolition action being included automatically. […]
Use water overlay results as input for new calculation
Please add the possibility to start a new simulation based on the calculated water levels of a previous simulation. Use case is: in first simulation calculate what the stable water […]
Priority lane for large calculations during daytime
Please create a priority lane for large calculations during daytime. Sometimes it is needed to do large calculations during daytime instead of during evening hours. Documentation: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Calculation_panel#Scheduled_Update_.28long_running.29 https://www.tygron.com/en/idea/text-message-and-or-email-functionality-when-calculation-is-finished/ [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukuFiLZyc0c[/embedyt] […]
Extra security on Tygrons own domain with a 2-step authentication
With the 2-step authentication in Tygron’s own domain, the security of the Platform is improved. Please contact us if you are interested in implementing this possibility also in your own […]
More insight in invalid hydraulic structures
‘Invalid’ culverts and other hydraulic structures are now shown at the top of the list of hydraulic structures in the Water Overlay Wizard. More info: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Water_Overlay_Wizard
Storage in buildings
In order to improve water storage analysis, please implement an Overlay type BUILDING_LAST_STORAGE, containing the water storage per grid cell, which can be accessed through TQL. More info: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Building_last_storage_result_type_(Water_Overlay)
Import/export function values
Please implement the possibility to import/export a file (csv, excel)for updating the function values table, in order for the end users to be able to update multiple function values at […]
Water level result type
Include water level as a result type in TYGRON and add in a length profile to quickly study backwater effects for river studies. Update: This has been developed. Please check […]
Apply a smaller grid cell size for specific situations
For specific situations, for instance for very narrow waterways that are slanted with the direction of the grid, an even smaller grid size is desired in order to get the […]
Network generation
Prevent the generation of large amounts of individual ‘pipelines’ for large buildings with a lot of separate home addresses.