4 en 18 februari: Webinars over nieuwe ontwikkelingen

‘Design_flood_elevation’ attribute per building

Since the sill/doorstep height can differ per building it would be a relavant addition to the Tygron Platform to be able to adjust the attribute ‘design_flood_elevation’ per building. More info: […]

Background map in Greyscale

Please implement the possibility to adjust the background map to greyscale. Useful for analysing the surface flow direction overlay. Now, this is often done by exporting the result type to […]

Improve readability of surface direction overlay

Clarify the surface direction overlay by using arrows to point out the flow direction More information: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Surface_last_direction_result_type_(Water_Overlay)

Expand indicator description

Please allow the indicator description to expand when graph is not used. As a project creator, I would like the description of an indicator to expand to fit the entire […]

Aerius calculator: sum of usage and realisation phase

In the current version, you can only analyse the usage phase vs. the realization phase separately. Adding those to see the total would provide more insight. More information: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Aerius_Module https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/How_to_download_Aerius_results […]

Health and green revenues

Please realise a connection to RIVM’s Quantification tool for Urban ecosystem services (Groene Baten Planner) More information: Rijkssubsidie voor innovatieproject Digital Twin https://www.rivm.nl/nieuws/waarde-van-groen-en-water-in-stad-in-beeld

Consistent AddressCode structure for netloads

Currently, when exporting the net loads of a project via WFS, the addresscode of the net loads includes the streetname. But when exported as a geojson, the addresscode does not […]

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