4 en 18 februari: Webinars over nieuwe ontwikkelingen

Simulating large weirs and culverts

Weirs and culverts that are very wide, now have multiple input/output cells. This improves the water flow of weirs and culverts in wide rivers. More information: https://support.tygron.com/wiki/Weir_width_(Water_Overlay) https://community.tygron.com/forum/discussion/comment/543#Comment_543 https://youtu.be/Vt-tojDxktg

Watershed Module

Insight into which waterway rainfall will end up based on the directional water flow. Also useful for debugging your water system. More information: https://support.tygron.com/wiki/Watershed_Module

Template panels for measures

Template panels can now be applied to measures and also automatically generated when starting a test run. More info: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Panels_(template_panels)_tutorial

Stacking functions and upgrades in a test run

Attribute action is a new type of action which allows stakeholders to add or set attributes of Buildings directly by selection. Attribute actions do not have construction time, construction costs […]

Maintenance announcement

Maintenance update windows will be announced several hours in advance, enabling Tygron Platform users to anticipate e.g. by adjusting their moments of calculation. Documentation: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/Main_Menu#Headlines_panel

Water connection generator

The Water Connection Generator enables users to generate underground buildings such as culverts using a set of parameters. This generator is useful in situations where a project misses a large number of […]

Travel distance

Add an overlay that gives insight in the travel time from a certain point. Useful for use cases such as insight in travel distances for ambulances to a hospital. Documentation: […]

Aerius Calculator

Connection to the Dutch standard, the Aerius Calculator for calculating the effect of plans on nitrogen deposition on Natura2000 areas. More information: https://support.tygron.com/wiki/Aerius_Module https://support.tygron.com/wiki/How_to_download_Aerius_results Now also available as demo project, […]

Multi-import of attributes

Multi import of hydrological construction attributes using CSV. More information: https://previewsupport.tygron.com/wiki/How_to_import_a_time_sequence_with_a_CSV [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnTkziMUyIU[/embedyt]

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