Geometry Color
The GEOMETRY_COLOR attribute enables the option to update the color of functions, specified by attribute, by using a Tygron Query Language (TQL) query. It actually does not overwrite the color, […]
Height map as measure in test run
The ability to implement an alternative height map as measure in a test run. This way, the effect of changes in elevation can be demonstrated in impact sessions ‘Het gaat […]
Ability to configure a geotiff overlay with multiple geotiffs in timeframes
The ability to store multiple geotiffs in a single geotiff overlay, as timeframes, so that when you run scripts which computes a series of rainfall events, you can store the […]
Use water overlay results as input for new calculation
Please add the possibility to start a new simulation based on the calculated water levels of a previous simulation. Use case is: in first simulation calculate what the stable water […]