Hoe gebruiken we AI om neerslag beter vast te houden waar het valt?
Challenge The Netherlands is facing a growing water management problem: the groundwater level drops too far in dry summers, leading to the drying out of agricultural land, nature reserves and […]
ISO 27001-certificering voor het Tygron Platform
We are proud to announce that the Tygron Platform is now officially ISO 27001 certified. This certification highlights our commitment to the highest standards in information security and data management. […]
18 Februari: Webinar Tygron Platform 2025; High Performance GIS, Artificiële Intelligentie en Digital Twins.
We understand that an engineer needs control over the input data and the calculations in order to guarantee the results of this calculation. After all; a calculation result is as […]
4 Februari: Webinar de Tygron Watermodule; het tijdperk van Artificiële Intelligentie en de open rekenmachine
The Tygron Platform is developing as an open calculator, which gives you the possibility to integrate data yourself, enrich data with Artificial Intelligence, and build your own simulations. On February […]
Hoe onderwijs, overheid en bedrijven samenwerken om met behulp van innovatieve technologieën -zoals Digital Twins en AI- maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te pakken
During a panel discussion at the recent Tygron Community of Practice, led by CEO Florian Witsenburg, experts from the education, government and corporate sectors came together to explore the future […]
Projecten met groene impact met IDVerde en Tygron
IDVerde has developed a method to help developers, builders and municipalities to make their plans contribute to a healthier and more sustainable living environment: Green Impact Modelling. Various software applications, […]
Groen in en om de stad: casus gemeente Dronten
The Province of Flevoland and the municipality of Dronten are working with Tygron on a digital twin that shows how green in and around the city contributes to a healthy […]
Heel Nederland on-demand doorrekenen met een supercomputer
Tygron CTO Maxim Knepflé: “Calculating the entire Netherlands with SimNL offers many advantages” During a recent session at the Tygron Community of Practice, CTO Maxim Knepflé delved deeper into the […]
Verslag Community of Practice 2024
Op 6 november vond de elfde Community of Practice-bijeenkomst van Tygron plaats, dit keer op de Hogeschool Rotterdam. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst deelden gebruikers van het Tygron Platform hun kennis en ervaring in verschillende sessies. Professionals uit uiteenlopende vakgebieden – gemeenten, provincies, waterschappen, adviesbureaus, onderwijsinstellingen – en studenten kwamen samen om te leren en te netwerken.
De integrale toekomstgerichte omgevingsvisie van gemeente Nieuwegein
During the Tygron Community of Practice, Anton Poelarends, strategist Space and Living and Esthy Meijer, junior project leader at the municipality of Nieuwegein, shared their insights on the role of […]