19 maart: QuickStart training Tygron Platform

Web Viewers

Utilize web viewers to easily share your results.


2D Web Viewer

The built-in 2D web viewer:

  • Enables easy sharing of results simply by copying and pasting the web link.
  • Can be used to activate measures within the simulation.
  • Supports multiple tokens, allowing for customized content for each user.
uitleg interface 3D viewer

3D Web Viewer

Also built-in and includes all the same functionalities as the 2D Viewer, with the addition of:

  • Full 3D textured rendering of buildings.
  • 3D cinematics that are identical to those in the Tygron Client.
  • The ability to switch between multiple background layers, such as those from other sources like OpenStreetMap.

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data visualization software product developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence.

The Power BI cloud environment can be directly linked to your online Tygron project, enabling seamless integration and impressive dashboards.

Figuur 4, Resultaten verwerken in ArcGIS Pro

Bring your own

Connect your own web viewer directly to the Tygron project.

  • With the built-in WMS endpoint, you can connect your own viewers, such as ArcGIS Online or Unity.
  • You can also access additional data, such as indicator data or overlay images.
  • Scripts can access maps as images; by adjusting the resolution and options, you can generate images on the fly for use in PDF reports.
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