February 4 and 18: Webinars on new developments

The Tygron Platform is an open web platform for geospatial simulations, hosted in the Netherlands and provides a diverse range of features and applications. Here’s a brief overview.

Integrate your Data

Ensure that all your data is centralized in one location, allowing you to manage and control the information within your project effectively.

  • Geo-Plugin: Seamlessly connect to a variety of public data sources and integrate your own data sources effortlessly.
  • Open Standards: Compatible with multiple formats, including GEO web services, Vector, Raster, and 3D Models, allowing integration with QGIS, AutoCAD, ESRI and many more.
  • API: Integrate your applications or viewers using our REST API.

Enhance your Data

Enhance the quality of your input data or create custom datasets:

  • AI-Suite: Leverage our pre-trained models or upload your own for integrated machine learning.
  • Rasterizer: Allow the Tygron project to dynamically convert your polygon data into raster data.
  • Open Calculator: Integrate various data sources and incorporate your own formulas.

Build your own Calculations

A comprehensive suite of tools for developing your own simulations and analyses.

  • TQL: The Tygron Query Language enables detailed queries on polygon and raster data.
  • Open Calculator: Integrate various data sources and incorporate your own formulas.
  • Indicators: Develop key performance indicators using spreadsheets and APIs.
  • In-Tygron Simulations: Integrate with Tygron Simulations for Water, Heat Stress, Traffic Noise, and NOX.

Accelerate your Simulations

Connect to the cloud-based Tygron Supercomputer situated in the Netherlands.

Share your Results

Share, showcase and visualize your results in the Tygron Client and various other applications.

  • Tygron Client: The standard Tygron app offers numerous options for editing and 3D visualizing your data.
  • Web Viewers: Utilize the Tygron 2D and 3D web viewers or your own web application for seamless sharing of your results.
  • GeoShare: Easily share data within your organization or with the broader community.
  • API: Integrate your own applications or viewers using our REST API.
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